Monday, November 30, 2009

I Hooked My N64 Into the Wall. I Saw Red.

Dear Percy,

I, too, have been struck down by my own green shells in the final moments of an exhilarating race. In fact, just the other night I was partaking in the Star Cup when a similar demise fell upon me. It was the first race, Wario Stadium, and I was leading the pack going into the third lap. The competition was fierce and Peach was hot on my tail the entire race. I came across the last set of magical question marks and I was blessed with a trifecta of green defense/attack. As I made the final turn I saw Peach going in for the kill and I had to something to shut her down. I attempted to pull a varsity move and shoot my shells at the wall as I made the turn hoping they would reflect and strike her off my tail. However, my angle was off and instead they went shooting down into the final alley turning it into a gauntlet of ricocheting hell. I'm tearing down the final stretch, Peach all over my ass and about to pass, when it happened. My own shells had betrayed me. It took an excruciatingly long 4 seconds to be able to race again and I ended in 5th, earning no points...and no respect.


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