Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yes! The Bullsheet is Back! by Christoffer Stromstedt

Yes! The Bullsheet is back! And this time it's more interesting than ever because it's
(partly) about me and my character! I love personal attacks. I love personal attacks even
more than unsubstantiated complaints. So thank you Erin Mulhern, it's good to see that
someone will carry the torch of douche-baggery into the next school year. Unfortunately
(for you, that is), I will be graduating in the spring, but with Erin still around, you
can rest assured that douche-baggery will not relent on this hill.

Matt Miller, I'm glad you clarified Kaitlyn's point about Christopher Hitchens, because
it totally escaped me. I was like huh? And then I was like what? And then I was like
oooh...? But now that you let me know what her article was really about, I feel like such
a douche for criticizing her. Please forgive me Kaitlyn, I just didn't know. As for
Sweden's involvement with the Nazis during WWII, that too had completely escaped me.
Finally my country makes sense to me.

As you can probably tell by now, even though you're probably stupid, dear reader, I have
nothing to say in this article either. Writing about something substantial or important
just isn't as appealing to me as complaining, and I'm not very good at it either. I'm
really good at complaining though. So Matt Miller, and all you other people who could not
see the purpose of my complaints last week, there really wasn't any. Except some kind of
Socratic dismissal of everybody's intelligence (because we all know, I am a lot smarter
than most of you guys). In other words, if you want substantiated arguments, write it
yourself, or please find Darrin Collins. Actually, please find Darrin Collins anyway.

I must say, however, that some of the articles these last couple of days have been very
good. So thank you Rob and Taylor, and thank you Stas. And thank you Bullsheet editors.
Without you I would not be able to complain to anyone but my small group of friends, and
even they don't listen to me most of the time.

Christoffer "reason is just another system of belief" Strömstedt

Sarcasm: good, Israel: bad. Feminism: good, Hitchens: pretty dumb. The Bullsheet: great
(please JT, don't cry), its readers: so-so. Stas Nogay: eloquent, Matt Miller: I want to
say pretentious, but he sits next to me in class so he might punch me. Substantial
arguments: necessary, complaints: unnecessary. Darrin Collins: why did you graduate?,
academic integrity: way out of hand. Contradictions: good, absolutism: bad. You: good,
me: slightly better.

1 comment:

Laura Elizabeth said...

Israel: bad?
Seriously? on what basis? in what context?