Thursday, September 24, 2009

And if You're Too Busy, Find Darrin Collins by Matt Miller

Dear Christoffer,
I think Kaitlyn's point was less that her articles were boring, and more that Hitchens
was a sexist prig playing grossly on stereotypes that we, as thinking adults , etc.,
should challenge. Which isn't to say that he's not witty or funny. Just that he's a

Incidentally, he's also not very good at applying scientific method to things other
than the things he doesn't agree with. For more on that, see my previous (and as yet
unchallenged, so we'll assume it's spot on) article concerning atheism.

I'll actually throw a commendation in there for JT- at least he's trying. He took the
time to write an article about something that interested/annoyed him, filled unoccupied
space in the Bullsheet, and prompted you to write a short and not particularly
substance-filled entry . I'll get back to this in a minute.

Linus, don't worry about it. I think instituting some means of evaluation mid-semester
could certainly be useful (as do a number of professors, who use this in their classes);
however, I think having a free-for-all, complain-as-often-as-you-like set up would also
be problematic. Maybe at the 5th week and 10th week marks.

Lastly, Christoffer, to your complaint about nostalgia for a time when the Bullsheet was
interesting: then make it that way. Give it a shot. Write about something you know, or
something that bothers you (and, while your problems with the Bullsheet would qualify, I
think you might have to expand your subject net a bit). Tell us about that translation,
or living in a foreign country, or Sweden in World War II (You lot fought the Nazis tooth
and nail, right? No? Neutrality, then? But...selling iron ore to Hitler? Why, you cheeky

The reason the Bullsheet doesn't seem to be interesting is that we don't have people
going on about racism (yet) or creating a fraternity dedicated to refusing to perform
cunnilingus or starting shitstorms over Palestine and Israel. So do it. Pick a fight.
Ask why there are all these damn dresses on campus that look tents hanging from girls'
chests, or why Denison insists on shining those stupid spotlights on the Campus Commons
every night in addition to the lighting encircling the oval (Seriously, Denison-- why?
It wastes electricity, is ugly as sin, and it's definitely more pleasant to cross when it
doesn't look like someone just broke out of your isolation ward.), or why we're all here,
anyway. Just try to give people something to talk about, argue, fight with.

And if you're too busy to do that, go find us Darrin Collins.

Matt Miller

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