Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A serious response to the BSU's budget issues:
First off, rules are rules. Everybody has to follow the rules. BSU did not. Even
after DCGA gave them an extension, the BSU did not submit the budget. Now they are
making demands beyond the budget, such as a car for the Office of Multicultural Student
Affairs, a permanent seat on the DCGA executive board, and the resignation and
re-ordering of the Finance committee. Ryan Burandt is doing the right thing by standing
his ground, and the Administration of Denison should NOT bow to the pressure from the
BSU. You in the BSU, to put it lightly, messed up. Live with the consequences. Don't
whine, grow a backbone, live with it. This is not discrimination on the part of DCGA.
No budget = no money. It is as easy as that. You are not portraying a good image of the
BSU by making these demands, which I hope DCGA will subject to heavy scrutiny.
On to my second point. The whole concept of a "Black Student Union" is absurd and
divisive. What differentiates black students from Asian students, or from students of
Polish descent, or students of Greek descent. Culture? Surely. Black culture is as
unique as any other culture. But there should be ways to celebrate black culture without
relying on a black student union. The fact that black students have ancestors who were
slaves? Well, every culture has been slaves to another at some point during its history.
Any student who has Italian ancestors, for instance, is probably descended from slaves.
You don't see Italian students demanding reparation from Italy because of the fact that
their ancestors were slaves. Skin color obviously differentiates them, but all skin
color differences are simply due to different numbers of melanin-producing cells. Blacks
simply have more of those cells. That does not make them different from other students,
and to treat them differently (either better OR worse) is wrong.
Which brings me to my third point. Yes, discrimination is bad. It should not
happen. I am completely in agreement with that statement. But elevation of certain
groups of people is also not good, and should not happen. Either form of discrimination
(for what is elevation but the favorable treatment of one group of people in contrast to
the treatment of another group) breeds resentment. The discriminated against ALWAYS feel
wronged, and rightly so. If Denison truly wishes to make all students feel welcome, and
to more fully integrate us into the Denison community, it would abolish all favorable
treatment of any club or student organization. All Denisonians should be equal, and no
Denisonian should be more equal than other Denisonian.


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