Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dear Bobby Driscoll,


Your mean-spirited and uncalled for article in Monday’s Bullsheet upset me for a variety of reasons.  For starters, I don’t think you should be lecturing anyone about the correct placement of periods— you put them at the end of questions.  “The [question mark] was invented for a reason… use it.”


I kid.  Anyway, question marks are just small details which you probably don’t care about—

you’re concerned with “real” people things like insulting one of the most decent guys at Denison.  Your demand that Eric McChesney “stop” being Eric McChesney repulsed me not just as one of Eric’s friends, but as someone who values unique individuals.


I think you should read Walden, Bobby, especially the part about hearing a different drummer.  I feel like Eric does march to his own rhythm… can you say the same thing?  I suspect your drummer is like Creed’s right now— a hack Pearl Jam wannabe overusing cymbals to play on the sick prejudices of the masses.  Every time you mentioned drugs and alcohol to make yourself seem like a hard-ass common man, I cringed.  I hope you’re not so eager to please “real” people in “real” life.


You ought to talk to Eric sometime.  He’s a kind, smart, funny, one-of-a-kind person— a refreshing break from callousness like the kind espoused by your article (and this response, sadly).  I can think of few people on campus more genuinely willing to help others.  During your conversation with him, you might even use your imagination!


Wait.  That wouldn’t be cool.  Or “real.”


Keep on truckin, you old fart,

Jack Wolfe

Class of 2010

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