Thursday, April 9, 2009

first off, lets put aside race for a moment. To put this conflict into the realm of racial tension undermines the complete stupidity of the actions taken. Let’s talk about the ridiculous, incredible, absolutely elitist ideals that are floating around this issue. So the BSU didn’t submit a budget. That means the BSU doesn’t get a budget. Every year its the same, no change. Sure orgz. can collaborate and swindle some funding that way but to ignore the protocol, the documentation, and the basic necessity of a budget leaves no blame but on the late/lazy/unfortunate victims of the incalculable measure that is time, party.
If the events did occur as I have been told, and as they have been published, then the ensuing actions taken by students in the BSU are utterly revolting. The BSU dropped the ball, it’s ok, it happens. But to go in, hold a sit in and suggest the resignation of a bureaucratic organization based on their following of protocol and legislation is goddamn asinine. To demand that an organization receive ‘guaranteed’ funding from OUR (the students) budget is absurd, pretentious, and above all else, denotes obnoxious entitlement. I don’t know the grounds on which some of the students (as I can’t imagine the whole BSU supports such ridiculous antics) request resignation, or even a guaranteed budget, but if they are based in disenfranchisement, discrimination, or ambiguous legislation they should be orderly addressed. Grossly aggressive claims with pretension is no way to conduct oneself especially when representing a collection of students.
In closing I ask that those involved look at this debacle as Stephen Colbert might. Step into the ‘color free’ zone, examine the problem and discuss what actions are reasonable, rationale, and based in intelligence—can’t find any of the above? Exactly. I submit there need only be a ‘Wag of the Finger.’ Don’t simplify this behavior by acts of race. Evaluate the situation considering the complete ineptitude, aggressive persuasion, un-founded claims and demands.
I apologize in advance if my facts, and presumptions from those facts, are incorrect. But if what I have been told, what I have read, is accurate I can only say that those making such ludicrous demands are acting on entitlement, something that Denison needs no more of!
Peter Zimmer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in all sincerity, very well said pete.