Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wingless Angels? Also, that Brandon kid

Dear Wingless Angels,

So, I found a flyer in my room today (I’m assuming one of my roommates found it and set it down on the table or something) and read it during my breakfast this morning. In case anybody is wondering, the flyer basically states that because Curtis and Huffman have been found to have some health compliance issues (surprise, surprise), we should boycott dining hall food this Friday. They’re angry at the administration for letting Sudexo feed us crap and they aren’t going to stand for it anymore, and neither should we! At first this doesn’t seem too bad of an idea. A kind of lame idea, but whatever. Then comes the best part. The Wingless Angels don’t quite believe that anyone will have the guts to pull this boycott off. So they’re going to force the boycott. The idea is that they are going to put feces (horse, or otherwise) into the dining hall food this coming Friday and if we don’t want to eat it, we better not go to the dining halls.

So let me get this straight. You’re mad at the administration for feeding us below par food. So in retaliation, you’re going to punish the student body by giving them an ultimatum to eat either shit or nothing? I mean I guess you put in something about how upperclassmen should help out by offering their kitchens up. But why should they have to? Why should any of us have to change our routine? Because you stuck up bastards think that this is a good idea? What really pisses me off is that you act under the guise that you are the protectors and the voice of the student body. But if so, then why the fuck are you dealing with dining hall food? I think on a scale of one to ten, most of us give dining hall food a low 2 on the don’t-give-a-shit-o-meter. And now you’re forcing this onto us?

Personally, I think you’re lying. What better way to get people to go along with what you want than by lying about something like this so we have to think twice about eating at the dining halls. But then again you might be telling the truth. And this coming Friday you’re going to pull some useless stunt that’s not going to change anything except to have a lot more of the student body pissed off at you guys. I remember a few years ago when I was eating, having a quiet dinner at Curtis with my friends, when a bunch of Wingless Angels assholes burst into the dining hall, knocked tables over, pushed people, threw flour everywhere, and then left the dining hall staff to clean up the mess. What caring activists. What great representatives of the student body you are. And the reason you gave for doing this? Crappy dining hall food.

You know, there are a lot of things to get mad at the administration about. There are the rapes and sexual harassment cases that seemed to get pushed under the rug for instance. Where are you then? Do you care about that? I can tell you that the student body cares a lot more about that shit than it does about Curtis and Huffman’s crappy food. But I guess that’s why we’re talking about this isn’t it. You don’t really give a shit about the student body. You just like running around in stupid masks pushing people over, playing in your imaginary gang.

Zak Bouc

I would like to comment on two things being the barmy old codger that I am.
1. upon hearing in Curtis Dining Hall, "Dude, fire has got to be the best invention ever," I shuddered. Fire is not an invention for all those who think it is, but the lighter? That’s an invention. Things will continue to burn long after we’re gone, and let’s not forget the ultimate burn when the sun envelopes the earth!

2. To whomever it was that justified the crime reports. Stop. Yes, you’re right, if somebody is assaulting people on campus then students have a right to know. But how often has that happened in your time here on the hill? How about if the crime is bad enough, there will be a story on it... does that not work? I mean it’s funny to read sometimes—I always enjoy seeing the phrase ‘marijuana cigarettes’ as though we don’t know what a ‘joint’ is, but stop. When you’re walking around campus at night do you look at that car and say, "Good Golly Miss Molly I heard about this vehicle in the Denisonian Crime Reports, the driver could be intoxicated!" and dive into the bushes? No, and if you do, then more power to you, but you could just watch and make sure every car that drives by doesn’t hit you. My point is, if we want to have a community where people can move on from these "heinous" mistakes, because they are so dangerous, should we keep bringing them up in their face or should we just let the law handle it and leave out the whole being in the proverbial stocks for a week so the campus can spit on you shenanigans?
John "Brandon McAdams" Daly
edited by Michael Vick

1 comment:

deborah said...

never underestimate the power of good vs evil. For tiny little minute did you WA think we did not know. how about the awesome things that DU grads did to better quality of life. We might be kids in grown up clothes but your manipulative/overbearing stunts and sheets are representative of cowardice not WHATEVER but if you want to pit your evil with my good you will LOSE