Monday, October 27, 2008

Voting Day Volunteers


What do you think of the country right now? Happy with the government? Want to see it stay this way for another four years? Great, then vote for McCain or just don’t vote and ignore the whole thing.

Want a better America? Want hope for your (eventual) childrens’ future? Want sound economic policies endorsed by economists and former government officials from both parties? Vote for Obama!

Already voted? Good job! You’re reducing lines on Nov. 4. But one more vote isn’t going to win Ohio for Obama. If you want to make a big impact, if you want to be a part of one of the most exciting historical movements of our generation, then you’re going to volunteer.

Luckily for you, it’s easy. All you have to do is email moore_a or baker_l and tell us what times you’re available now until election day. We want 50 volunteers on Nov. 4 making sure everyone votes and every vote gets counted.

Here are our events for the coming week. If you can make any of these, email LaForce or me and we’ll sign you up. Or just show up and we’ll fit you into the campaign. We’ll also be canvassing on campus all week looking for more volunteers and urging students to vote early.

Wednesday - Obama Speech Watch party - 8 pm, Smith Lounge, with a volunteer appreciation party to follow Thursday - Phone banking - 7 pm, 4th floor of Slayter, and data entry - 9 pm, 4th floor of Slayter Saturday and Sunday - Canvassing in Newark - Times TBA, transportation provided.

Even if you only have a half an hour to spare between tests and friends and everything else, get involved. What will this week’s papers and parties matter in January? In four years? Email moore_a or baker_l and get involved. What else are you doing?

Thanks for your time.

Best wishes,

Amanda Moore
President, Denison Democrats

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