Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ANARCHY strikes again! This time, not by the Wingless Angels, surprisingly

What do you think of the country right now? Happy with the ever-expanding role of government in your daily business? Glad to see the death of individual responsibility? Is the steady march towards collectivism appealing to you? Great, then just don't vote and ignore the whole thing, or vote for McCain or Obama and pretend you're making a difference.
A dominant red wing or blue wing doesn't matter much when they're both attached to the same bird. Whether they woo you with appeals to tradition and promises of security, or grand visions of change and social welfare bribes, those in power are concerned primarily with perpetuating their control and subjugating you, the individual, to the position of a hopeless dependent. Being swatted across the false left-right paradigm like a ping-pong ball has made us dizzy enough to believe in genuine political options, but the final goal of each major party is domination. It's just a matter of picking your poison: the police state or the nanny state, the frowny face or the smiley face with a Hitler moustache. We're bred to believe that there is such a thing as good government vs. bad government, rather than government vs. liberty. In our search for this elusive "good government" we scurry between the two parties, hoping that one can pick up where the other failed last cycle and provide us with Change We Can Believe In™. This endless process of hope built upon past failure conveniently allows those in charge to tighten alternating bolts of oppression every few years.
So surely an open-minded, free-thinking campus wouldn't allow itself to fall into this current? Rather than memorizing inspirational slogans and hanging up propaganda posters of the Glorious Leader everywhere, Denison's student body would see both John McCain and Barack Obama for the agents of control that they are, right? Or maybe we just want to be controlled. It's easier than staying informed and thinking for yourself, that's for sure.

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