Thursday, October 30, 2008

10/31/08 (HALLOWEEN!)

“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security (Bush much?) will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”
John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961
But then they killed him. Every president since then has been decided not by the vote of the people, but by the men who really rule this country. Men like Rockefeller, Kissinger, Bush (both of em). Major military, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities (including nuclear power), and national media (broadcast and print) are controlled by corrupt men who all work together in secret to move the state of our nation and the world in their intended direction. The office of the presidency is merely their puppet, their spokesperson.
Do some research on Bohemian Grove; Most of the most powerful men in the world gather at “summer camp” every year. While there, they all dress in klan style robes and participate in the “Cremation of Care” ceremony, in which they offer a mock sacrifice, burning a man in effigy to the ancient Babylonian owl god, Molech. This information is just to compliment my point that these powers work together to set social and cultural advancement according to their vision.
This election is just as much of a fraud as the last two, no matter who wins. You must be a little slow if you believe that this nation is divided in half in values, opinions, and more specifically, who we’re voting for. If the vote was held according to the voice of the people, Obama would nothing short of crush McCain. There’s no question about it. Polls telling us that it’s close are completely false, intended to perpetuate a polarization of the people that distracts us from the reality of what the powers are doing to us. Seriously, it doesn’t matter who wins, the outcome will be the same as we descend into chaos with World War III and a complete economic meltdown.
Here’s an economic quick fix. Federally legalize and control marijuana. Instantaneously, a massively successful industry is born. How many billions are made on Tobacco each year the US alone? I can’t find the figure, but in 1999, China brought in 64.5 billion dollars, and India made 47 billion. A marijuana industry would easily match the tobacco industry, if not blow it out of the water in profits…not to mention food sales would skyrocket. Alcohol is a far more dangerous drug…but it’s a natural way to kill off a good portion of the population. Name one danger of marijuana to society… not to mention, anyone that wants it manages to get it anyhow. BUT, it’s not going to happen, most likely because it would naturally produce an age of love and understanding. That’s not what they want though. It’ll never be an option on the table because society has been deceived into thinking a God-give herb is dangerous, criminalizing good people. My uncle is the most brilliant, wise man I’ve ever encountered, but he can’t get a job or even vote because he got caught with some weed. Actually, he started the first Political Action Committee in the entire country against the Patriot Act. As much support as he had, many went to his record to discredit him. (The CIA actually came into his little café in a small coastal town and stole the petition right off his counter) Besides the point… logic and commonsense have little place in our policies.
There were a million and one things they could have done to prevent this economic crisis. There are things they could do to bring us out of it. But no; instead they carefully crafted it to all go to shit right in the heat of this “historic” election. Honestly, I hope the election happens, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, say, a nuke went off in Atlanta this Sunday, a catastrophe easy enough to carry out, and would start a world wide panic, canceling Tuesday’s election. Human life is nothing to them. The people that they sacrifice are nothing but the people who take up their resources. They killed hundreds upon hundreds of people on September 11th , all to set up the most miserable fucking 8 years of deceitful manipulation of law. Why would G.W Bitchtits change all these laws to allow him to enforce martial law during a state of emergency, and even hold his seat as president through an emergency, if he didn’t intend to put his new policy to good (or evil, rather) use?
People say to me, then vote for Barack Obama, because he’s for Change. Change you can believe in. Believing in Barack Obama’s change is comparable to believing in Santa Clause. I expect he’ll end up president, but the changes that are happening won’t be anything like what we expect from his enticing tongue. That’s what Joe Biden meant when he got up last week and said “we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis…And he's gonna have to make some really tough - I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you, not financially to help him, we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right.” There are a few really important hints here as to what we’re about to face: it’s going to be huge. Generated crises are not to test “him”. They are to inflict emotion in the people to get them behind a really bad idea. (See, Sept. 11th/Iraq War). What’s more, Biden assures that we’re not going to like what they’re doing, and they are encouraging whoever they can to “influence” their community…i.e attempt to suppress resisters to radical change that is clearly wrong.
Don’t take my word for anything. Do research. I wish I had time to record the vast amounts of evidence behind what I’m explaining, but I’m a student too. The proof is all around. If you need something to jumpstart your understanding, research the architecture and layout of the city of Washington D.C. It’s fascinating, and pretty terrifying.
But do not insult people who choose not to vote. There’s nothing unpatriotic or un-American about standing up in refusal to bend over and take it.
I’m not saying we are powerless as people. We are, however, powerless as a people. If this political high that everyone is on right now is more than just a fad for you, I encourage you to carry that momentum past the election, and into the future. If we’re passionate about it, and aware of past corruption, we can do great things to end it, but only if we can rise as a generation of understanding. The only change we can accomplish comes not from a vote; it comes from the work of the individual and the way he or she affects their world. If you fall into the illusion, the American dream, then you sacrifice your ability to accomplish anything.
If there’s anything we should be demanding of the president, it is that he back the 9/11 Truth movement… of course that won’t happen, because that would uncover all of the truth. Did you know that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC Tower 7 about 20 minutes before it happened? Have you seen the once confiscated video from a hotel security camera that clearly captures the strike on the pentagon, with no plane in sight at the time of the explosion? Check it out.
For some reason, it’s easy for people to say, “so what if it’s an inside job.” That’s just apathy—because the implications of a False Flag terrorist attack are just too terrifying. I wish someone could prove me wrong, I really do. “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,” because fear of the truth stops us from pursuing it. The overarching truth is a mosaic, and I can only explain it frame by frame, but the big picture becomes clear when you have enough pieces. I really don’t mean to upset anyone, but I feel as though it would be wrong of me to not share what I know. History is the greatest indicator of where we’re heading. An intense reevaluation of our priorities, and why we have them, is evidence in of itself. But don’t put rule out conspiracy because of the negative connotations of the word.
What's wrong with the world mama? People living like aint got no mamas I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz the Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And if you hatin you're bound to get irate Yeah madness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how anger works and operates You gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them crying Can you practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek? Father Father Father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love? It just ain't the same all ways have changed New days are strange is the world the insane? If love and peace so strong Why are there pieces of love that don't belong Nations dropping bombs Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones With ongoing suffering As the youth die young So ask yourself is the loving really strong? So I can ask myself really what is going wrong With this world that we living in People keep on giving in Makin wrong decisions Only visions of them livin and Not respecting each other Deny thy brother The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover The truth is kept secret Swept under the rug If you never know truth Then you never know love Where's the love y'all? (I don't know) Where's the truth y'all? (I don't know)
Where's the love y'all? People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them crying Can practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek? Father father father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love? I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder As I'm getting older y'all people get colder Most of us only care about money makin Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction Wrong information always shown by the media Negative images is the main criteria Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema Whatever happened to the values of humanity Whatever happened to the fairness and equality Instead of spreading love, we're spreading animosity Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them crying Can you practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek? Father Father Father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love?
Eric Elligott
Students Lash Back at Administration: Key Card Reform

Denison student, Hayley Sparklers began her “walk of shame” back from East quad around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday evening. After only a couple of hundred feet into her journey, she realized that her boyfriends Hanes polka dot boxers, white tee shirt, and an oversized pair of boat shoes were not keeping her warm.

When arriving back at her boyfriend’s dorm, she was upset to realize that her key card was unable access entrance to Crawford Hall. The inability to access other dorms with key cards after the hour of 1 a.m. has become a growing problem on the Denison campus.

When an unnamed Denison official was asked about the issue, he had this to say “Our key card system is designed to keep the 28% of couples on campus from having the ability to engage in inappropriate and promiscuous behavior after the hours of 1 a.m. As my mom always said, ‘nothing good happens after twelve, only pregnancies’”.

It is true that couples can let each other into their respective dorms, but what guy wants to go down two flights of stairs and leave is game of Madden 09. The answer is no guy.

“I couldn’t get back in the dorm and my boyfriend wouldn’t pick up his phone after I gave him blue balls. I honestly didn’t mean to, I just got upset when I saw his IM conversation with a Shorney girl.”

After all of her confusion, Sparklers spend the night under a bush, using an abandoned cafeteria tray as her covers. She was found the next morning by Denison’s finest, Officer Tim Thomas. Upon further examination, Sparklers had frost bite on several of her extremities.

“Her thin, white t-shirt was a dead give away. She was either very excited or very cold. I assumed the latter” commented Officer Thomas.

The seriousness of this problem has inspired an uprising among students and Denison officials are looking into ways of fixing this dilemma. Stay tuned for future updates.

Yours truly,
The token Republican
Peter Wall
Amanda Moore,
First of all I was kinda surprised to see you mention my name in yesterday’s sheet. I signed my previous submission with nothing more than my box number and I even emailed it from a non-school address, so how you figured that one out is beyond me. Anonymity allows us to express honest opinions without fear of reprisal, and now that I know that I can’t rely upon it for Bullsheet submissions, I’m less likely to speak my mind. Maybe that’s the way you want it though, given how you consider my opinions nothing more than whining. It’s no big deal, really. It’s just somewhat underhanded.
Anyway, my solution is to vote for people who aren’t Democrats or Republicans. Obama and McCain are different in many ways, but similar where it counts. Both of them will lead us to a more collectively-minded society and amp up government interference within our daily lives. During this cycle I voted for candidates who don’t share these aims. In your mind, third party voting may seem futile, but to me it makes a hell of a lot more sense than continuing to elect two sides of the same coin.

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