Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ravings of a Lunatic

I am sincerely torn, McCain would be good for my family, but I think Obama would be better for the country as a whole, I hate choices, I'm indecisive. And, it's cool to like Obama, if I don't like Obama, I will be scorned and marginalized by my peers. I mean, I do like Obama and in all honesty will probably vote for him, but I also think McCain has a lot to offer, that is if he doesn't die and Palin is President, then we're all going to shit. What we need to understand as college students is that neither guy is the best for the job. No one that is running has been the President of the United States of America before. I try to look at it the same as parenting. My parents had no clue what they were doing, they let me carve a pumpkin by myself, with a knife, when I was four, idiots. They put my play pen next to a large potted plant that I knocked over and ate the dirt out of, they let me roll on a bed by myself, which I consquently fell off of. Clearly, I did not come with a manual, and I'm guessing our country does not either. They are as prepared as they are, they have studied, they have gone through practice rounds and have tried to get as much experience as they can, but we will not know how they will do in office until they are actually there. So really, we vote for the one we feel will do best, and hopefully whoever gets in office will live up to the expectations of the American citizens. There's a lot weighing on their shoulders, neither guy is bad, neither will allow our country to fail miserably because both of these dudes have a ton of patriotism, I think that's part of the job description. And I've found recently, that apparently it's not that cool to be proud to be an American. WHY!? Yea, there are a lot of crappy things that go on here, but we have freedom, we have a justice system (that at times is not that just, but at least we have one), we have jobs open to people, we're doing pretty good on feminist and racial issues in comparison to other countries, anyone over 18 can vote, we have mandatory public schooling paid for by our government, what a luxury in some countries. It's pretty cool to live here, I think. As a woman I received an education paid for by my government, I can vote, I can work wherever I want, I can make decisions for myself, I can press charges against someone who has illegally done something against me, I can receive confidential health help for whatever I need. Shit's pretty decent here. It just bothers me that people think it would be "cooler" or more "in" to live somewhere else.

Laura Masters, Junior Editor

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