Monday, December 7, 2009

SHIT SO REAL It CAN’T be made up (but it is) by Alex Chan

It CAN’T be made up
(but it is)

If you play Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” backwards, you hear “ecaf rekop,” which is Latin for “pig murder.”

A remake of Shaun of the Dead is in the works. It is to be directed by George Lucas and starring Keanu Reaves as Sean, Shia Labeouf as Ed, and Maggie Gyllenhaal as Liz.

In Australia, potatoes grow on trees and are known as “Outback oysters.”

There are only 4,000 people in the world who are actually double jointed, and they all share one thing in common: they are the most dangerous game.

The game Battleship can be traced back to a similar ancient Greek pastime, in which members of the cult of Dinonysis would guess the location of one their friends’ livestock, and if correct, have sex with it.

For every song that you illegally download, an intern at that record company is given a dead arm.

Every two weeks, someone dies from spontaneous thinking-that-Coldplay-is-good.

The Bullsheet was founded many years ago, when a local farm animal kicked over a lamp and started a fire. A man rose from the ashes of the barn, and that man was Jesus Christ. This is why Chinese New Year is on a different day every year.

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