Monday, December 7, 2009

Guilt Posters by Kaitlyn Grissom

I’m not sure if putting up posters telling stories of terror and oppression is helpful or exploitative, but my question is: Why stop there? There are so many more things to make college students feel guilty about! Here are a few poster ideas that might hit closer to home:

Oh. I see you’re taking the elevator. That’s nice...fatass.

Remember your great aunt that you didn’t know you had until she sent you a card with $100 in it for your high school graduation? You never wrote her a thank-you note. Don’t bother. She’s dead now.

You know, some kids can’t afford fun.

For every Bullsheet you read, God kills a Nickelback fan.

If you lived in 1450, you wouldn’t even have a bathroom stall to poop in.

Your parents work very hard to help pay for your education. What would they think if they saw you loafing around reading posters?

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