Friday, February 27, 2009

Hey DU,

I would just like to submit this in response to Everett's article on Monday:

"I ask 'em no questions and they give me no answers; I'm following the wise but they're walking in pampers. Give me a cigarette I'm smoking my cancer; I smoke the pain away but I still have no answer."

For all of us this is our first and only shot at this thing called life. But we choose to follow as if someone else has greater insight; as if they're a pro. We follow the so called "wise" those who give great advice but their own situations are in shambles. You're hypocrites. Life is more than a syllogism; there's more than having a flawless argument; what are you living for?

There is an aspect of being at Denison that has forced me to think there is something
wrong with me. I question my frustrations. Am I the only person who sees an inherent
problem in this? Why doesn't anyone else say something? There is a psyche, an unspoken will so to speak, which blankets this institution. Who has raised so many yes-men? How do we have such a diversity of experiences molding into a uniform identity when they pass the gates? There is a premium placed on facades here; and anyone who opposes it becomes a social pariah. These comments may seem a little unfounded but let me base them on experience.

I have finally come to understand the reason for this disconnect; this unsettling
uniformity. While in my Philosophy class the Naturalistic Fallacy was brought up by a guy named Vaughn. The Naturalistic Fallacy states that you can't derive an ought from an is. This simple theory really allowed for me to understand the miscommunication that has occurred in my time at Denison (that is assuming that people have proper intentions and I would never make that assumption). The reason for my frustrations is that people have been taught to see things as they ought to be; wearing blinders to all that opposes how things should be. I don't attempt to say that I have a more developed insight, however, I believe that when one is forced to face situations there is more of a familiarity with reality.

I mention these blinders because they honestly make people oblivious. These blinders
allow for this unspoken will to manifest; and the damage that this handicap does to our community is dramatic. Not only are minority communities maintained on the periphery but other demographics are held at arms length also. This unspoken will is so strong that it allows for the assault of women to go unaddressed. There are women on campus who have been victimized and are forced to see their rapist daily; they are continually forced to relive these experiences. These women have been scarred for life while these men walk around unscathed. We attend class with these men; you hang out with these men, these predators. I don't know if that fact makes you as uncomfortable as it makes me but I just have one request: please take off your blinders; things aren't what they seem to be and the damage that ignorance can cause is preventable.

As an administration this issue has to be addressed. If you think marijuana, vandalism and underage drinking are our biggest issues I urge you to take the blinders off. I sat through a 2 hour training on how to find marijuana for ResLife because it's the problem that can be easily addressed. However, life holds much more delicate issues if you just use your peripheral. But our unspoken will dims these situations; it allows us to show "Rape in the Congo" but not "Rape at Denison." Those issues are theirs and they will remain foreign as long as we remain blind. Please free yourself because the maliciousness of our ignorance is undeniable.

I wish that I could say more about the issue of rape but we all know that it's wrong
all the way around; there is no gray area. I over hear men all the time saying that they are "gonna get (insert name) drunk" so they can sleep with her and their buddies endorse this. Oh yea and it's a good way to get a girlfriend at Denison too because the woman is almost guilted into dating you. You know how relationships work at DU, if you sleep with her that's your new girlfriend. Furthermore, I've been drunk and never thought about touching a woman in a manner that she didn't desire; I've also been drunk and never thought about touching man (hint hint). Alcohol doesn't place the thought in your mind it just lowers your ability to restrain the subsequent action. These are filthy men period; and we need to get 'em off this campus.

Darrin Collins

p.s. You have made me work too hard to see the obvious Denison. I have had to fight your truth to see; but soon I will be free of your weight and then I can yell.

p.p.s. Oh and Meagan this is not meant as an attack. I really appreciated the bravery of your submission. But I think that you had racist tendencies at least before your experience; that is, if it had been a white man I feel that you would just fear men whereas with a Black man it becomes more specific. But I could be wrong and if so I apologize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

completely unnecessary to add your pps darrin. it just reveals the close minded nature that you have of others.