Monday, October 5, 2009

Rigged Elections in Iran by Jason Cox

Hey Denison,

Remember when Michael Jackson died? Of course you do, because everyone in the world collectively crapped their pants about the death of one of the world's biggest (and creepiest) stars.

But 12 days before Jacko's death, the world's attention was on the outcome of the Iranian presidential elections. Many experts believed that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rigged the elections, leading hundreds of thousands of protestors to take to the streets. Violence ensued, international media were restricted, the Internet was shut down, and the Iranian police force detained 4,000, injured hundreds, and killed as many as 72 protesters and innocent bystanders.

Ultimately Ahmadinejad and the Iranian government quelled a potential people's revolution, but things are still not at ease in Iran. If you are interested in learning more about contemporary Iranian politics (and getting free pizza!), come tonight to hear Dr. Sohrab Behdad, co-author of Class and Labor in Iran: Did the Revolution Matter? speak in Burton Morgon 219 at 4:30.

(Protestors squaring off with Iranian police during a post-election protest)
-Jason Cox

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