Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lindsay Gund Memorial Posts

A day in the life of Lindsay Gund…
- You wake up late, class begins in 15 minutes because you have let your alarm go off roughly 10 times before Alyson yells at you to get out of bed.
- Facebook chat.
- Stuff two pieces of cinnamon toast in your mouth as you reapply mascara, your most time consuming morning task, all the while giving Leslie advice on how to manage her life.
- Go to class, participate to the point of your classmates wanting you to shut up... Or thank you, for keeping the discussion going for 50 minutes.
- Come home for lunch, make a Morningstar Chik’n patty and Progresso soup. Leave half the bowl of soup in the sink, you’ll do the dishes later.
- Facebook chat.
- Camp out in your personal office (the common room of Hayes 301) attempting to do something productive for the next few hours. (Someday you’ll revolutionize public education.)
- Crunch beer cans from the night before, thoroughly annoying your downstairs neighbors. Be sure to always pull the tabs from the cans.
- Are you supposed to tutor today? Shit.
- Facebook chat.
- Go to crew practice. Talk the entire van-ride there to make sure the driver doesn’t fall asleep. You basically hold the team together.
- Come home for dinner—make a Morningstar Chik’n patty and Progresso soup. If you’re still hungry, pull those Tostitos Scoops off the top shelf. You’ll do the dishes later.
- Facebook chat.
- Is there a “Bones” marathon on?
- Pluck everyone’s eyebrows.
- Facebook chat.
- Neglect your schoolwork, “NCIS” is on.
- Neglect “NCIS,” Travis needs help with his Spanish homework.
- “Who’s going out tonight?” via mass text. Facebook chat.
- To the bar. To the bar. Take mirror off door and bring beauty necessities to the kitchen table. This is going to take a while.
- Play “Bedrock” on repeat until your roommates cannot take it. Facebook chat.
- Pregame for a half hour, decide there’s inevitably nothing good going on tonight. Yell at Sarah for turning the thermostat up to 76 degrees. Don your Gonzaga t-shirt and gray leggings, it’s bed time.

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