Monday, April 12, 2010

A Response to Matt, Concerning the Housing Lottery by Miles

Dear Matt,

Are you an upperclassman? I can tell by your apathy.

You're right, we could have all done some research before we came to Denison but I didn't
research the conditions of the bathroom, the amount of condoms offered on campus, and the
number of soda machines lying around. In short, I didn't research everything before I
came here. It's called being excited I'm going to college and my lack of research does
not excuse this atrocious lottery system. We must blame the individual but that can't
stop us from changing the system.

Life is unfair but we can make it fair. And I have a feeling someone will listen seeing
as we're $45,000 investments. I don't know how to make this housing selection fairer but
talking is better than accepting. My graduating class is far from the last to be shafted
because the graduating classes above us have also said "fuck it" and accepted the system
that everyone knows is bull. So why don't we all actually try to make this housing system
better instead of bitching and moaning when the next lottery comes around? And if you all
really don't want to change the system, then I need you to sit in the corner and be quiet
while other people try doing something. We don't need your apathy.

And no I did not get shafted by the lottery. I'm in a quiet dorm with my girlfriend and
most of my friends. So I am pleased and I still hate this system.

Oh, and I'm sorry for barely bringing your friend the question mark into this. He's so
under appreciated.


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