Monday, April 19, 2010

DFS Presents... - Posted by JT

Sprockets and sprocketholes alike!

When you were a child, did you ever have one of those cardboard pipes filled with mirrors
and when you looked through them they turned the world into a million shapes and colors?
Did you ever have one of them kaleidoscopes? Well, this weekend DFS will shatter your
world into a million shapes and colors with our crazy double-feature combo in
collaboration with Red Tech.

First, on Friday night at 8:30, we will pose the question, when is Woody Harrelson not a
motherfucking badass? I mean, Woody jesus-christ Harrelson. Now add zombies. Did I just
hear five hundred little minds being blown? Now add humor. Add a guy who looks and acts
like Michael Cera but is not Michael Cera. Add a post-apocalyptic world. Add unlikely
bromance. Add wit. Add that girl who that other guy in Superbad wants to hook up with.
Add great editing and Bill Murray. Add Bill Murray's mansion. Put it in a box and shake
it all around, and there you have it: Zombieland. In a pile. In Slayter auditorium.

After we've brought you with us down to the hell that is zombie-ridden earth, we will
bring you back up. Way up. Way Up in the Air. In this potentially bathetic (that's
melodramatic for you non-English majors) romantic drama comedy, George Clooney is George
Clooney. But he is also the person who companies hire when they need to fire people. And
he is really good at it. This means that he flies. A lot. All over the US. In fact, he
flies so much he is almost eligible to become an elite member (and I mean over-the-top
elite, I mean member card in solid gold elite, no kidding, solid gold) of this American
Airline(s) that will remained unnamed. While at an airport bar, he meets this woman who
also flies a lot, not as much as Clooney, but a lot, and they hook up. What follows is a
complicated relationship based off of flight schedules and layovers, and then more things
happen and things get more complicated and George Clooney is George Clooney, but I won't
give it all away just yet. Instead, come to Slayter auditorium. Or stay in Slayter
auditorium if you just watched Zombieland. Because that's how awesome we are. We, your
friends at the DFS.

In conclusion (aaaah senior research syndrome),
Zombieland at 8:30 on Friday (tomorrow),
Up in the Air tomorrow at 10:30 and Saturday at 7:30,
all in Slayter auditorium, all on the big screen, all in glorious 35mm (except
Zombieland, which is a DVD, but that's a whole other story),

Up in the Air is NOT bathetic,
Christoffer "my mother always told me, some day, you'll be good at something" Strömstedt

PS. For those of you who might have heard that the screening of Zombieland is supposed to
be outdoors, the 80% chance of thunderstorm tomorrow night took the fun away from that.
It'll be inside. In our beloved student union. But don't let that deter you. There'll
still be Woody motherfucking Harrelson.

- Denison Film Society & Red Tech

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