Thursday, December 11, 2008

"That shit's Gayer than Outlook" -Wall of the Bullsheet Office from Editors in 1999

“Bromance” is a new series coming up on MTV. The show features Brody Jenner, made famous from “The Hills” and once linked to Lauren “LC” Conrad, and of course the bro of his choice. has provided the following definition of “bromance” for us: Bromance (bro-mance). n. 1) A bond between you and your go-to guy. 2) No games, no bs, someone that just keeps it real with you. And the following “brocab”: “mascary, flauntgerie, jersey girl (not the meaning you think), legsibitionist, and marrogance.” Definitions to the “brocab” can be found on the above stated site.

The term “bromance” is one we here at Denison should be well acquainted with. We are faced with couples of “bros” daily. You know who they are, they’re roommates, probably have been since freshmen year in Shorney where all they did was play video games with the door slightly ajar, high-fiving each other for slaying zombies or shooting a virtual soccer goal, waiting for biddies to walk by. They are probably still roommates, doing the same shpeel, this time with the door closed because they have decided they don’t need biddies. After they graduate, they will find a nice bachelor pad in Boston, Astoria, or maybe Brody’s own O.C. (never in Jersey though) where they can continue the “prebauchery” and escape potential girlfriends’ “ESPNvy.” They’re in Slayter every morning together, can be found in a dining hall eating at a table alone, never a “date booth” though, that would be too suspicious, or with a larger group of “bro” couples. They tend to dress ironically the same, and usually walk to and from class together. Rest assured, they have at least one class together every semester. They are rarely apart and give the “bro hello” to other passing couples, “hey dude,” “whatsup bro?” They even go to lax practice together and bro-out in the locker room with their other lax-bros. A bro couple is as versatile as a romantic couple. They party together, eat meals together, talk about important things with each other, gaze into each other’s eyes…

Take a note out of Paris Hilton’s book, Brody will pick his new best bro, “Brody’s new BFF” style.
P.S. Tila Tequila is writing a book about love...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
-Laura Masters, Junior Editor

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